

Here you'll find many of my previous blog post that will give you an idea of how I tell a story. These include weddings, engagement sessions and bridal photo sessions.



I have never been a big believer in online dating sites but now that several of my couples have told me that’s where they met I’m convinced that it does work. Or who knows, maybe all of them were meant to meet anyway and just happened to meet online first. Mandy and Ryan met on Match.com in July of 2013 and they were engaged a year and a half later. Here is their proposal story:

“Mandy knew there would be a proposal in 2014 because her hand-picked ring had been burning a hole in Ryan’s safe/pocket since August. She especially knew Ryan was up to something when, a couple weeks beforehand, he suggested going to Reata downtown on the 22nd. Considering their usual cuisine consists of Pei Wei, Chipotle or Which Which, Reata was very out of the ordinary.

The night before, on the 21st, Mandy’s dear friend Sara got married and she spent Thursday and Friday night dressed up and out late. By the time Saturday night rolled around, Mandy was pretty tired of wearing makeup and looking presentable but she dragged herself out of bed anyway. Her spidey senses were really on high alert when Ryan put on his gray suit and opened the safe (“to get my watch” – per Ryan).

Her real motivation for getting up was Reata’s banana pudding, which she had been talking about all day. They arrived at Reata in the middle of a downpour and enjoyed a lovely dinner, making sure to leave room for dessert. Earlier in the day, Mandy learned that her friend (and now MOH), Lindsay, would also be at Reata that night. She and her date arrived before dessert and came by to say hi after being seated only 2 tables away. Come to find out, Ryan had to do a little slide of hand with the ring in order to shake hands…

Just as Mandy was about to remind Ryan that the 22nd is the anniversary of JFK’s assassination, banana pudding arrived. Before she could finish her thought, she noticed the icing on the plate was asking her a very important question. Ryan got down on one knee, said super sweet things, and asked her to marry him. Meanwhile, Lindsay’s date had the sense to snap a few shots as Lindsay sat there in shock. Mandy quickly called her over to the table, excited to share such a special moment with one of her best friends.”

Mandy and Ryan are very laid back and their favorite past time is lounging around at home with their dog Luke. We met at the Grapevine Botanical Gardens for their engagement session and of course Luke came along. He was so sweet and obedient. And if you know me, you know how excited I was about Luke being part of the session. I just love sweet puppies!

Mandy and Ryan are getting married in November at my favorite chapel (Marty Leonard) where my husband and I got married four years ago. I can’t wait for their big day. I just know it will be magical. 🙂


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