I have finally decided that having 3 flashes was not enough.
So I bought 2 more and have a total of 5 flashes now.
Yay me!!
I know, I know… I’m such a geek.
Getting new camera gear makes me excited.
In order to see what I can do with 5 flashes, I invited my friend Jovana to come over and model for me for a couple of hours.
These photos were done in our backyard.
All photos are either a 4 or 5 light setup.
It was pitch black outside and I used a flashlight in order to focus.
First we played with smoke.
Then we did some light painting.
Then we brought out the sparklers.
That was interesting.
Two people running around with sparklers at the same time and not burning each other is not easy. 🙂
By the way, my husband helped with this experiment.
Somehow I am always able to talk him into helping me with these “fun” projects.
I know they are more fun for me than they are for him. 😉
And finally water.
My husband sprayed water with the hose in order to make it look like it’s raining.
This may be my favorite.